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Seed to Fullfilment

This course was supported by the EU Lifelong Learning programme.

SEMINAR: From Seed to Fulfilment: Creating our Future
Facilitated by Arlene and Jean-Claude Audergon

10 – 14 May 10:00am– 6:00pm Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and 9:30 – 5:00 on Tuesday the 11th

Indian YMCA, central London, near Warren St and Great Portland St tube stations

‘Seeds’ is a new programme that comes out of CFOR’s belief in the capacity of individuals, organizations and whole communities to make a difference to Europe and this world.

CFOR is supporting the goals of the European Union to strengthen intercultural dialogue, awareness of diversity and unity, as well the personal and collective creative processes needed to shape our multicultural societies.The first workshop was funded by the EU/ Grundtvig.

The aim of the workshop, From Seed to Fulfilment: Creating our Future, is to enable you to catch the seeds of your wildest ideas and sense of what is possible, and to learn to discover how to support your deepest dreams to come to life, fulfilment and action in the world.

“Seeds” helps you to explore your personal pattern for finding your way from dream to fulfillment. People often long to find a way to both feel in touch with their deepest dreams and at the same time to be active and make a contribution. This congruence between being centered and in touch with one’s essence and creativity while being engaged with community and work is a great privilege if you can find it.

One of the toughest challenges we face in society is hopelessness, the belief that our problems are just so great, whether our personal problems or those of the society and the whole world, that we can never make a difference. The hopelessness gets compounded on one hand by pain and oppression, and on the other hand by thinking “its not my problem”. Many people feel that in order to take part in society they have to put aside their true dreams and deepest nature to ‘adapt’ or get by. This leads to a tragic loss of creativity and diversity, for individuals and for society.

We will actively seek a diverse group of participants on the course in respect to country where you are resident, your organization, profession or occupation, culture, ethnicity, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, economics, age, health and more.

Perhaps what will most unite all the participants on the course will be a deep-seated interest in how one’s personal process of development leads to making a contribution to one’s community, Europe and the world.

We are ever inspired by the ideas and tools of Process Work – which allow you to link up to transformative processes driving you, shaping your personal life, your organization, your community, and the collective movements of our times.

During the course:

Catch a seed or dream, and help it reach fulfilment, without losing the joy that was at the start
Discover the underlying orientation and direction of your learning from life experiences
Practice methods of working with internalised oppression, blocks and critics
Stay close to the essence of your project, while being open to feedback, surprise and change
Discover your personal patterns of creativity, whether expressive or internal using visual, auditory, proprioceptive and movement processes
Bridge your inner world and outer context, and the troubles
Link your personal process with others in relationship, community and social movements
Appreciate endings and moments of completion, and the beginning of something new.
CFOR has strong experience and rare expertise working in multicultural and transnational contexts, facilitating conflict and supporting individuals and communities to access the creativity within us as a society. CFOR believes that individuals and organizations have the capacity to make a difference in this world, recognizing the profound connection between personal awareness and collective change. Arlene and Jean Claude Audergon are teachers of Process Oriented Psychology in the UK and internationally, conflict facilitators and co-founders of CFOR. CFOR’s programmes include: ‘Europe Matters’ focusing on human rights and transforming our violent history in Europe into a creative multicultural future; Post-conflict facilitation and community building in the Balkans; ‘Facilitation for Leaders’ Annual Training Programme, and ‘Seeds’. and

CFOR believes that each person matters and makes a difference to our future. We see this as a fact, attitude and practice.

Warm greetings,
Arlene and Jean-Claude

For more information about Jean-Claude and Arlene Audergon’s work visit