by Ruch | Jun 10, 2016 | Our Work
In addition to facilitating in communities and town meetings, we facilitate within a wide range of institutions – Educational institutions, religious organisations, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Staff Welfare team, Housing associations, Business,...
by Ruch | Jun 10, 2016 | Facilitating Reconciliation
Once in a while, an idea lands. And with a special mix of hard work and happenstance, this idea may change the future. Ideas that make a difference surprise us, but don’t come out of the blue. They occur to those who’ve been immersed in the issues, because of their...
by Ruch | Jun 10, 2016 | Our Work
We facilitate within organisations and networks that are working to transform long-standing and complex problems in our society, including social injustice, healthcare and the environment. Examples have included facilitating within international peace organisations,...
by Ruch | Jun 10, 2016 | Our Approach
We facilitate the grappling with issues of structural discrimination, awareness of racism, gender diversity, sexual orientation, xenophobia, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism, disability and other issues of diversity among us. We facilitate within teams,...
by Ruch | Jun 10, 2016 | Side Panel Column 4
Intensive on conflict resolution and community building Our Autumn intensive will be held 18th -23rd October 2016. [ FLYER ] Facilitation for Leaders Modular Training Course 2016-2017 Course begins Autumn 2016. [ FLYER ] Rwanda Our programme supports...