Back in the USA – Bryan Stevenson’s contribution to our needed conversation about Truth and Reconciliation
Back in the USA. We went to Montgomery Alabama to visit the new National Memorial for Peace and Justice and the Legacy Museum - from Slavery to Mass Incarceration, which opened at the end of April this year. If you can, go to Montgomery. Bryan Stevenson and the...
When being ‘even-handed’ inflames: The refugee crisis and ‘black lives matter’
The Refugee Crisis Some months ago, I shared a post on Facebook. It was a simple image of refugees walking, bags on shoulders – made out of pebbles – by a Syrian artist, Nizar Ali Badr. The caption said ‘please share this image as a sign of solidarity among all the...
Europe’s Debts: Accountability and Solidarity
During the crisis in Greece and Europe, I’ve been thinking about my part - as a person and as a resident of an EU country … and tried to write a few thoughts. I salute my colleagues in Greece for their personal and political work, all they do for their communities and...
The Dream: Community as a Protective Force
I’ve been recalling the beginning of our own organisation, CFOR. You might try it with your own projects or organisations. Because sometimes right at the beginning, the idea or seed that landed inside of you, and got you going, reminds you of who you are, or who you...
What are we waiting for?
Charlie Rose had a conversation/ interview, August 6, 2014, regarding the Palestinian perspective during the current outbreak of violence in Gaza. His guests were Nadia Blibassy-Charters, senior correspondent with Al-Arabija television; Khaled Elgindy, Fellow at...
Remembering Glenn Smiley – Spirituality and Politics
I was thinking this morning about Glenn Smiley. We arrived in Los Angeles around 1988 from Zurich, where we’d been immersed in the study and practice of Processwork, daughter of Jungian Psychology. Jean-Claude Audergon (my partner) and I were dedicated to find out...